eat according to your genes

Genetic tests are based on the most robust scientific evidence. DNA is analyzed using a simple saliva or cheek swab sample. Personalized recommendations developed based on your unique genetic profile.

personalized nutrition for skin health

Our test is more than skin deep. As the first line of defense into your body, your skin’s health is just as important as the rest of your body. The Nutrigenomix skin test helps determine how genes can influence the skin’s ability to combat signs of aging, as well as markers that affect eating habits and how the body metabolizes nutrients that support skin health


genetic Report consult Coaching

Hi, friend!

I am affiliated with a genetic company made up of world renowned researchers in the field of nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition!

Your body’s ability to absorb and metabolize nutrients can be influenced by your genes. Our report identifies genetic markers that can impact nutrient absorption. With this knowledge, you can make adjustments to your diet, ensuring you get the most out of nutrients your body specifically needs for optimal well being.

I counsel my clients on eating more or less of foods based on your dna to: decrease your risk of developing chronic disease and optimizing your health.

With this information:
I write you supplement recommendations that are unique to your body’s own nutritional requirements (you save money this way) and an individualized meal plan that tailors to your genetic profile.

In my Standard Package I offer the Genetic Test and a one hour consult to go over the report.

I provide you with:
Personalized meal plan & Personalized supplement recommendations
And more!

Schedule a call to learn about my coaching package & Genetic Report

Allow me to assist you in reclaiming your life, embracing vitality and optimal wellbeing,

Can’t wait to chat

